Eu Yan Sang
Found in 1879, Eu Yan Sang is one of the respected retailers of traditional Chinese herbs and medicines in Southeast Asia. Driven by the spirit of "caring for mankind" and adhering to quality standard, the Company produces the best natural Chinese medicinal products in accordance with ancient formulae and under the strictest quality-control procedures. Today, Eu Yan Sang offers more than 300 products under the brand, and has over 180 stores and 23 clinics, with over 50 retail outlets in Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China as well as an extensive distribution channel extending from Southeast Asia to USA, Canada and other countries. The most famous products include "Bak Foong Pills"for women and "Bo Ying Compound" for infants.
日曜日 – 木曜日 午前10時 – 午後11時
金曜日 – 土曜日 午前10時 – 深夜12時
ショップ889、グランドカナルストリート, 3階
Shoppes at Venetian
+853 2882 8760