Aape by A Bathing Ape
In 2012, a brand-new diffusion line AAPE BY *A BATHING APE® (abbreviated as AAPE, reads A-A-P-E) was conceived to consolidate a young and hip message. AAPE aims at creating a simple, light and fashionable wardrobe for the new generation of fashionistas. The AAPE logo, featuring prominently a graphic round face of the ape, is a younger version of the original A BATHING APE® Moon Face.
日曜日 – 木曜日 午前10時 – 午後11時
金曜日 – 土曜日 午前10時 – 深夜12時
ショップ815, グランドカナルストリート, 3階
Shoppes at Venetian
+853 2878 3008
• Gold, Ruby、Diamond Membersに限り、一部の通常価格商品が10%割引
• Paiza Platinum、Paiza Diamond、Paiza Chairman Membersに限り、一部の通常価格商品が10%割引